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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 20

I thought that the Ramakrishna Mission, they are doing and the incense we are using, so if we make some and sell it, then what is the harm. But now I see that Spiritual Sky, they have so many products. And now there is jewelry business going on. So why should the business increase? Nanda Kumar, he came here to India simply for doing business. This is not required. So I have given him sannyasa and now he is finished with all business, and he will go to Africa to preach. So this business should be discouraged, otherwise, if they do it, our men will again become karmis. Our business is simply book distribution.

Letter to Jagadisa das, 20 November, 1975


November 19

Everyone who is not a KC person is a butcher. Even the so-called pious man, who is not in KC, he is also a butcher. Because he is killing his own self. So in our view, everyone is butcher, and everyone is thief also, because he is enjoying Krishna's property. So how we can discriminate who is honest and dishonest and butcher and not butcher? Our only test is how one is taking to KC: Even a so-called butcher comes we welcome to chant Hare Krishna.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968


November 19

Everyone who is not a KC person is a butcher. Even the so-called pious man, who is not in KC, he is also a butcher. Because he is killing his own self. So in our view, everyone is butcher, and everyone is thief also, because he is enjoying Krishna's property. So how we can discriminate who is honest and dishonest and butcher and not butcher? Our only test is how one is taking to KC: Even a so-called butcher comes we welcome to chant Hare Krishna.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968


November 18

Regarding deity worship, the standard of deity worship must be kept very high in all our ISKCON centers. There should be no question of decrease, only how to increase in the quality and opulence of our arcana offerings. To supervise this essential Krishna Conscious activity requires a very fastidious person, one who can remember everything and be very conscientious to prepare everything nicely, be timely, like that.

Letter to Badrinarayana das, 18 November, 1971


November 17

As far as your questions, Krishna is not in need of anything, He is purnam, the Complete Whole. And yet He appreciates our love for Him, just like everyone appreciates if someone exhibits love for them. So He kindly allows us to show that love by considering that if I do not feed Him, Krishna will go hungry, if I do not give Him rest, He will be tired, like that. He reciprocates by pretending to be dependent on me, my slave, just to give us opportunity to find the real object of our loving propensity and to take pleasure by pleasing and serving Him. Everything we do should be for the reason that it gives pleasure to Krishna.

Letter to Patty Dorgan, 17 November, 1971


November 16

Brahma is praying Lord Krsna in this way, that "A person," jnane prayasam udapasya, "giving up the futile endeavor to understand the Supreme by one's limited knowledge..." Give up. Give up this attempt. Jnane prayasam. Jnane prayasam means that the theosophists, the philosophers, they are trying years after years, life after lifes - "What is God? What is God? What is the Absolute Truth?" Just like we throw sputniks - "How much the space is length and breadth?" This is frog philosophy... With the limited knowledge, if we want to know how far, how much long and short is God, it is a futile attempt... It is not possible. So Bhagavata recommends, jnane prayasam udapasya: "Just give up this nonsense habit, to measure the Supreme." It is not possible.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 8.14-15, New York, November 16, 1966


November 15

Please continue in your writing of songs and poems for Krishna, because singing Krishna's praises is the highest type of spiritual activity and will give Him great enjoyment. I would be pleased if you can send me a tape of some of your compositions.

Letter to Patita Uddharana, 15 November, 1971


November 14

You should all read very carefully Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, and you should be able to answer all questions like this, and only in rare cases approach me. But it is important that our students must be able to answer all questions for becoming preachers.

Letter to Aniruddha, 14 November, 1968


November 13

Anyone who gives some service to this Krishna Consciousness movement is fortunate proportionately. At least the seed of his fortunate life is sown there. Whether he gives service of some sort, willingly or even unwillingly, the seed is sown, and the fortune will come proportionately. Even if somebody looks shabby and unclean, if he simply says this Krishna Consciousness is very nice thing, even he is not able to take full advantage of it at the time, still he is far more fortunate than any Rockefeller.

Letter to Tosana Krishna, 13 November, 1968


November 12

Your questions are very nice. Yes, the Supersoul and soul both are unchanged. The difference is that in material contact, the soul appears to be changed. But the Supersoul is not affected by material contamination, therefore there is no sign of change.

Letter to Malati, 12 November, 1968

