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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 31

Sometimes people have this fixed conception in their mind that, when they have heard from somebody, then they need a mission. “What’s my service? What’s my mission? What am I going to do?” They start thinking that mission means doing something with the body. If they don’t go on hearing, then sometimes due to impurities that are still within the heart – anarthas, a lot of anarthas, unwanted things within the heart – if one doesn’t go on hearing, then one can lose sight of the goal of the service.

August 19, 2012, Boston

July 30

Prabhupada would oftentimes speak about the difference between following in the footsteps and imitating. He would say that following in the footsteps of the previous acaryas means that we follow the same path they themselves walked. It also means to follow their instructions. Therefore, mahajano yena gatah sa panthah....they leave behind instructions by which their followers can traverse the same path as they themselves also traversed. Imitating means that we try to artificially imitate the position of being fully realized without being fully realized.

April 29, 2014, Vitebsk, Belarus, BG 6.32

July 29

Every day we must regularly hear. This is our regulative principle of bhakti yoga. This festival is meant to remind us of what we are supposed to be doing every day when we leave. It is not just, "Oh, I am going to hear at the festival," and then we go back and think, "Until the next festival." No, it is not from festival to festival. It is every day. Why? Because it cleanses the heart; that makes us qualified to relish Srimad Bhagavatam. It makes us qualified to get some taste, because we are regulating our lives around devotional service. And gradually, then, the influence of these unwanted things will be destroyed. This is the power.

June 15, 2014, Carpathian Festival in Ukraine, S.B. 1.2.19

July 28

A materialistic person does not have to practice talking about women and sex. Why? It is spontaneous. Why? It is always in the heart. Therefore, because it is always in the heart, spontaneously he speaks about these things. The slightest attractive object he sees, immediately and spontaneously it awakens a desire to speak about these topics. Similarly, paramahamsas who have accepted Krishna within the core of their hearts, they are spontaneously attracted to speaking about Krishna. They have accepted Krishna within the core of their heart, therefore to speak about Him is spontaneous, because they see Krishna in everything, they see Krishna everywhere.

June 15, 2014, Carpathian Festival in Ukraine, S.B. 1.2.19

July 27

Prabhupada is saying that one who is steeped in the mode of ignorance is like the inactive fool. The inactive fool thinks, "Yes, I am satisfied, things are OK. I am satisfied with my ignorance. I am satisfied being inactive, there is nothing I am doing. I am just satisfied living like this. I am not influenced by the mode of ignorance." But the mode of ignorance is manifested by darkness, inertia, madness and illusion. What is the symptom of passion? The symptom of passion is intense hankering in fruitive activity, always hankering for some result. When one comes to the stage of steady devotional service, this influence of the modes of ignorance and passion, is virtually nonexistent. That is the symptom of steadiness in devotional service, that there are no symptoms of the influence of the modes of nature.

June 15, 2014, Carpathian Festival in Ukraine, S.B. 1.2.19

July 22

We should make Prabhupada accessible by making sure that everybody has an opportunity to receive his books. Everybody should know what his example is. And everybody should know what his mission is - Krsna. Nothing more, nothing less. The lotus feet of Krsna.

April 29, 2014, BG 6.32, Vitebsk, Belarus

July 21

The more Krsna conscious we are the more people can make a connection with Krsna. We don't make Krsna accessible by packaging Him in a way that people can't see. We make Krsna accessible by the way Prabhupada made Krsna accessible. He spoke only about Krsna. That's how Krsna became accessible. And he lived only for Krsna. That made Krsna even more accessible.

April 29, 2014, BG 6.32, Vitebsk, Belarus

July 20

We should think, "What am I doing with my life? Let me use whatever strength, whatever wealth, whatever intelligence I have to do something for Prabhupada's mission. I cannot be a miser and waste this life."

April 29, 2014, BG 6.32, Vitebsk, Belarus

July 19

Prabhupada therefore emphasized that there is nothing more than Krsna. And he would never give anything less than Krsna. Uncompromising. Nothing less. That was his compassion. That was his kindness to humanity. Anyone who came in contact with him could feel his compassion. Simply seeing him, tears would come to people's eyes because he was so filled with compassion. Prabhupada would cry, simply to think how people were trying to forget Krsna.

April 29, 2014, BG 6.32, Vitebsk, Belarus

July 18

Srila Prabhupada's books are the foundation of the Krsna consciousness movement. Nobody else's books are as important as Prabhupada's books. When people come to our temples they should immediately see only Prabhupada's books - a grand display. We should be eager, excited, ecstatic, to introduce people to Srila Prabhupada's books. Srila Prabhupada's books change live, not just during his manifest presence. They are still changing lives and will continue to change lives.

April 29, 2014, BG 6.32, Vitebsk, Belarus
